Modern Slavery & Trafficking Statement

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2019

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps we have taken to ensure that our business as well as our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.


Kirintec is committed to establishing action plans to assist in the prevention of slavery and human trafficking from our own business, as well as seeking to ensure that our supply chains are also free from such practices.
Kirintec is committed to respecting human rights ensuring we identify and assess the risks, mitigating those risks and where necessary taking appropriate remedial action where instances may be found within our own business and within our supply chain.

Our organisational structure and operations

Kirintec Ltd was founded in 2008 by the CEO, Roy Peers-Smith, and designs and manufactures a range of Counter Improvised Explosive Device, and Electronic Warfare products. It has operations in the UK, USA, and Middle East.

Nature of our supply chains

Our supply chain involves the purchase of mechanical and electronical components and services, globally.

Policies relating to slavery and human trafficking

Our Anti-slavery policy reflects our commitment to implementing and enforcing effective procedures and controls to minimise the risks of human trafficking and other modern slavery practices infiltrating our business operations or supply chains, and to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business activities and relationships.

Kirintec ensure that our supply chain is aware of our anti-slavery policy and that an ethical code of conduct is in place. This has been distributed and agreed with our key suppliers. Within the agreement sub suppliers are expected to conform to the same level as first tier suppliers.

Due diligence processes in relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking within Kirintec’s Supply Chain:

In order to monitor and mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking occurring within our supply chains we undertake the following due diligence processes in relation to all suppliers:

Monitoring of our due diligence processes:

Kirintec Ltd intend to carry out ethical audits on suppliers who constitute 80% of our overall spend. In addition to this 100% of suppliers from highlighted low-cost countries will be ethically audited.

Future action

As a result of Kirintec’s assessment, we aim to take the following further steps over the course of the next financial year:

Approval and Review

This statement has been approved by Nicholas Watts, Managing Director. The company reserves the right to amend this policy at any time, and where necessary will reflect changes in relevant legislation.

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